Computer Hardware

Keep on trucking? Freight to become driverless

Jessica Morris, special to

Daimler AG has unveiled plans for its self-driving Mercedes Benz Future Truck 2025, predicting that driverless trucks could hit highways in as little as 10 years' time.

"The truck is our vision of what transportation might look like ten years from now," Wolfgang Bernhard, head of Daimler Trucks and Buses division, told CNBC in a television interview.

Driverless trucks will make transport more efficient, traffic safer while cutting fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, the company said in a statement.

"With this truck we're showing not only passenger cars but also trucks can do that," Bernhard added.

The trucks will be taking to the roads along with driverless cars, which hit headlines earlier this year after Google revealed a prototype car that didn't have a steering wheel, gas or brake pedals.

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While law changes will have to be enacted before we will see driverless vehicles roaming the roads, Bernhard said Daimler is confident of getting the green light in the next couple of years.

"Billion-dollar opportunity"

Driverless cars have the potential to create an $87 billion market opportunity by 2030, according to Lux Research.

However, this is mainly due to technologies such as adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning and other autonomous features. In fact, no fully autonomous car will hit the market by this date, the report said.