Gene Simmons: “Make Me a Benevolent Dictator”

Gene Simmons
Don Emmert | Getty Images
Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons voted for Barack Obama, but thinks Donald Trump makes more sense.

Better yet, the rocker/entrepreneur suggests we make him "benevolent dictator" for six months and he'd cut $7 trillion in debt.

Unions, watch out.

In a wide ranging interview at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where Simmons and KISS co-founder Paul Stanley were promoting, a translation service for social networking, Gene Simmons discussed everything from "KISS crack" to the President wanting to redraw Israel's borders to killing pedophiles on the spot.

Fasten your seatbelts. This interview rocks n rolls.

In this clip, Simmons describes his outlook on the economy, his disappointment in the President, and how he would fix America.

Here, Simmons explains how he chooses which productsto put his name on.

Finally, the Israeli-born Simmons vents over President Obama's suggestion that Israel returns to its pre-1967 borders.

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