
The Ten Best Jobs in America 2009

The Ten Best Jobs in America

What makes a " good" job? Salary? Physical demands?  Stress  level?  As it turns out, numerous factors enter the good job/bad job equation. has released  a  comprehensive ranking of the best and worst careers in the country. So, what are the 10 best jobs in the country? Click ahead to find out!  (Salary data is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

What makes a "good" job? Salary? Physical demands? Stress level? As it turns out, numerous factors enter the good job/bad job equation. has released a comprehensive ranking of the best and worst careers in the country. So, what are the 10 best jobs in the country? Click ahead to find out. (Salary data is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

Paul Toscano
Posted 7 Jan 2009

10. Accountant

Accountants analyze financial information for various entities and usually work a standard ,  40-hour week, but many work longer hours, particularly during year-end auditing or tax seasons. Median salary: $54,630.

Accountants analyze financial information for various entities and usually work a standard 40-hour week, but many work longer hours, particularly during year-end auditing or tax seasons. Median salary: $54,630.

9. Industrial Designer

Industrial designers combine the fields of art, business and engineering to design the products people use every day. In fact, these designers are responsible for the style, function, quality   and safety of almost every manufactured good. Median salary: $54,560.

Industrial designers combine the fields of art, business and engineering to design the products people use every day. In fact, these designers are responsible for the style, function, quality and safety of almost every manufactured good. Median salary: $54,560.

8. Sociologist

Sociologists study society and behavior, analyzing how social influences affect different individuals and how organizations and institutions affect the daily lives of individuals and groups. Median income: Above $60,000.

Sociologists study society and behavior, analyzing how social influences affect different individuals and how organizations and institutions affect the daily lives of individuals and groups. Median income: Above $60,000.

7. Historian

Historians usually specialize in a certain area, analyzing historic information and building knowledge based upon their work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics describes historians as specializing in a country or region, period or field, who may also   do work outside the office or classroom setting. Their median annual salary is $48,520.

Historians usually specialize in a certain area, analyzing historic information and building knowledge based upon their work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics describes historians as specializing in a country or region, period or field, who may also do work outside the office or classroom setting. Median annual salary: $48,520.

6. Computer Systems Analyst

Computer systems analysts help organizations use technology effectively and incorporate rapidly changing technologies into existing systems. Median income: $69,760.

Computer systems analysts help organizations use technology effectively and incorporate rapidly changing technologies into existing systems. Median income: $69,760.

5. Software Engineer

Software engineers are one of the occupations projected to grow the fastest between 2006-2016, according to the BLS. This profession applies computer science and mathematical analysis to design, develop, test   and evaluate software and systems. Median Salary: $79,780

Software engineers are one of the occupations projected to grow the fastest between 2006-2016, according to the BLS. This profession applies computer science and mathematical analysis to design, develop, test and evaluate software and systems. Median Salary: $79,780

4. Biologist

Biological scientists study living organisms and their relationship to the environment. Median salary: $76,320.

Biological scientists study living organisms and their relationship to the environment. Median salary: $76,320.

3. Statistician

A statistician works with statistical analysis and problem solving in both the public and private sectors. Median Salary: $65,720

A statistician works with statistical analysis and problem solving in both the public and private sectors. Median Salary: $65,720

2. Actuary

An actuary deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty, determining the likelihood of events and how companies can build strategies to avoid negative impact on the bottom line. Median salary: $82,800.

An actuary deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty, determining the likelihood of events and how companies can build strategies to avoid negative impact on the bottom line. Median salary: $82,800.

1. Mathematician

That's right, the calculator-wielding, number-crunching job at the top of the list is a mathematician. This job is more than carrying around a textbook and drawing sine curves; mathematicians solve problems for business and work on numerous other global issues.  Median salary: About $100,000.For more information on this topic, visit

That's right, the calculator-wielding, number-crunching job at the top of the list is a mathematician. This job is more than carrying around a textbook and drawing sine curves; mathematicians solve problems for business and work on numerous other global issues.  Median salary: About $100,000.

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