
Self-made millionaire explains why his wife won't be getting roses for Valentine's Day

Before you splurge on Valentine's Day, consider this
Before you splurge on Valentine's Day, consider this

On February 14th, self-made millionaire Grant Cardone won't be picking up roses for his wife, or any other gift for that matter.

"I'm not giving her roses on Valentine's Day. I love her 364 days of the year, so I can abandon Valentine's Day," says Cardone, who owns and operates four companies that do nearly $100 million in annual sales.

He has a similar mindset when it comes to other holidays, he tells CNBC: "I do not do the holidays other people have. … We don't travel when other people travel. It's more expensive and it's more crowded. Why am I going to rush off to do Christmas when everybody else is doing Christmas?"

Self-made millionaire Grant Cardone
Courtesy of Grant Cardone

Cardone doesn't completely disregard holidays — he just does them when he wants to, rather than when someone else tells him he should.

"Create a life where you get to pick your vacation," the self-made millionaire says.

Instead of doing what the crowds do, use Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving and other conventional days off to get ahead: "Spend your time working holidays when no one else is."

After all, "if you ever want to be a millionaire, you need to stop doing the 9 to 5 and start doing 95 [hours a week]," Cardone says.

Travel is not going to solve your problems, millennials
Travel is not going to solve your problems, millennials