Protesters call for tax increases on the wealthy.

Happy Tuesday. We interrupt our regularly scheduled springtime to bring you ... snow?

Fear not: Even if there are flurries forecast for parts of the Northeast, economists are getting optimistic that the real winter chill has begun to fade. (HeraldNet)

Even in liberal California, most residents there are saying that taxes are just way too high. (Breitbart)

Yes, there's not much to like about Tax Day—except for the wonderful proliferation of free stuff that some companies are offering. (TIME)

General Electric has a time-honored tradition of keeping its CEOs around for 20 years, but that all may come to a halt with Jeff Immelt, who is expected to leave sooner. (Wall Street Journal)

Speaking of GE, it's but one of about 26 corporations that pay less in taxes than you. (The Daily Beast)

And, finally ... If you owe Uncle Sam big and don't have the cash on hand to pay, contributor Shelly Schwartz has a few ideas to help you out.