For most people, Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer season. However, on Wall Street the summer officially begins when the interns arrive. Intern season means lots of networking events, mentoring and hangovers. When hordes of "Wolf of Wall Street" wannabes infiltrate the trading floor with their deer-in-the-headlights looks, it can be a distraction for the professionals. However, an intern doesn't have to be a distraction. Follow these rules and you'll make a positive impression — and have a shot at that highly-coveted full-time job on Wall Street.

1. Your most important job is to get lunch right. I have a philosophy about getting lunch orders right. It can't make your career but it certainly can break it. How can a senior trader trust your decision-making with a trade that can make or lose millions, if you can't correctly order lunch for 15 starving traders from Shake Shack? Trading the markets can be cruel, but not as cruel as a bond trader can be when he is down millions, and you order Egg Drop instead of Hot and Sour Soup and forget the hot oil. It's about attention to detail. It is so important on Wall Street and what better way to show your attention to detail than lunch?