Five years ago, our nation moved away from an increasingly expensive and inaccessible health-care system. We finally declared that health care is not a privilege for a few, but a right for all Americans. Five years later, through the Affordable Care Act, all Americans now have a health-care system with vital protections, and more affordable and accessible coverage.

To be clear, the Affordable Care Act was designed to improve health-insurance coverage, and to provide access to affordable coverage regardless of a state's action or inaction to establish a state marketplace. Whether you live in Michigan, New Jersey, Virginia or Kentucky, you have an opportunity to receive premium tax credits. The petitioners' argument in King v. Burwell, which challenged the legality of tax credits for those obtaining insurance through a marketplace set up by the federal government instead of by a state, was always considered frivolous by legal experts. Thankfully, six Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of the 6.4 million Americans at risk of losing financial assistance and the millions more also at risk of losing coverage.