Two dams of an iron mine belonging to Samarco (a Vale joint venture) broke in the city of Mariana on nov 5th, in the brazilian state of Minas Gerais, spreading tons of extraction waste through kilometers, and leaving a track of destruction in the subdistrict of Bento Rodrigues and an area of around 70 km Mariana, Brazil, on 10th November 2015.

Vale and BHP Billiton are facing one of Brazil's largest-ever civil lawsuits after prosecutors demanded R$155 billion ($44 billion) in damages for the deadly dam collapse at their mine last year that unleashed a tsunami of waste-filled mud across two states.

Federal prosecutors in Minas Gerais, where the companies' joint mining venture Samarco is based, and neighboring Espírito Santo state, said on Tuesday that the value of the damages claim was based on the clean-up costs of the comparable BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.