• Reuters cites White officials on Venezuela policy
  • Sanctions an option on Venezuela government, not imminent
  • Statements come after Goldman Sachs buys state oil bonds at discount
An opposition supporter uses a tear gas mask inside a mask of an ass during a rally against Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela, April 26, 2017.

The Trump administration is concerned about any action by U.S. companies that provides a financial lifeline to Venezuela's government, senior White House officials told Reuters, after Goldman Sachs Group came under fire for purchasing $2.8 billion of state oil company bonds at a steep discount.

Venezuela's political opposition and some U.S. lawmakers have condemned the purchase of so-called "hunger bonds" as a way to prop up President Nicolas Maduro's cash-strapped government, accused of being behind food shortages affecting millions of Venezuelans in a worsening crisis.