• The uncertainty surrounding the NAFTA trade deal hangs over ag as President Trump prepares to speak to large farm group.
  • Trump will become the first sitting president to address the American Farm Bureau Federation in 26 years.
  • Farmers will be looking to hear the president's view on trade as well as the next farm bill, among other things.
A file photo of Mexican agricultural workers on a farm in Holtville, Calif.

President Donald Trump will likely get a polite reception from farmers and agribusiness leaders when he addresses the American Farm Bureau Federation's convention Monday in Nashville, but there's still challenges and uncertainties facing the industry whether on trade, labor or the farm bill.

Farmers want assurances that trade disputes such as NAFTA won't close markets that are a major source of revenue. They also want to be heard in the immigration debate since agriculture is struggling with a farm labor problem and relies on seasonal, foreign workers.