• The framework for President Donald Trump's "grand military parade" through the nation's capital is beginning to take shape.
  • The Pentagon is looking at Veterans Day, Nov. 11, as a potential day for the parade.
  • However, there could be a potential scheduling conflict, as Trump is expected to attend a summit in Paris on Nov. 11 with 79 other world leaders.
US. Army M109 Paladin 155mm Self-Propelled gun drives over the East end of the memorial bridge that leads into Arlington Memorial Cemetery, during the Desert Storm Victory Parade.

The framework for President Donald Trump's "grand military parade" through the nation's capital is beginning to take shape.

"We are looking towards November 11, around Veteran's Day, and also possibly in conjunction with the World War I centennial celebration. So it would be a celebration not only of our currently serving members but also those of the past," chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White said in a statement.