• Sun Basket is adding diabetes-friendly recipes to its meal kit service with the help of the American Diabetes Association.
  • These meals are high in fiber and low in sugar and sodium, to better assist diabetics manage their blood glucose levels.
  • Customers who adhere to specific diets tend to be more loyal to brands and will stay with the company longer than those who don't have dietary restrictions.
Sun Basket's new Diabetes-Friendly meal plan includes dishes like Salmon Cakes with Celery Salad and Tahini Goddess Dressing.

To grow its meal kit business, Sun Basket is targeting diabetics with meals designed to meet their nutritional needs.

Meal kit users are notorious for ditching their subscriptions within six months of starting them and either jumping to another brand or returning to their old grocery habits. However, customers who adhere to a specific diet, whether it's paleo, vegetarian or gluten-free, tend to have more loyalty to these brands.