• The Department of Homeland Security is looking to revoke a rule allowing some H-4 visa holders, spouses of H-1B holders, to work in the U.S.
  • U.S. executives Tim Cook, Ginni Rometty and Jamie Dimon have spoken out about this, saying it could cause highly skilled immigrants to take their talents to other countries.
  • Tech companies rely heavily on H-1Bs to hire foreign talent.

Shilpa Sachdev moved from India to the U.S. in 2013 to be with her husband, who had landed a job as an engineer for Microsoft under a visa program that allows American companies to hire foreign workers.

Sachdev arrived as an H-4 visa holder, the designation for spouses and children of H-1B visa workers. She initially couldn't work in the U.S., but a door opened in 2015, when the Obama administration approved a rule allowing some H-4 holders to gain employment. Sachdev got a job as a content manager at cloud-computing company ServiceNow.