• Fintech has made some of the biggest inroads in areas big banks have shunned since the financial crisis.
  • Lack of trust in established companies made space for start-ups that are often leaner, thanks to use of technology.
  • Money has followed the fintech fascination — the amount of venture capital funding in fintech hit $7.5 billion, and cryptocurrency fundraising has brought in $12 billion this year alone.
  • "The younger generation will gravitate toward brands that provide the best user experience, the best value, and ultimately, can help them reach their financial goals," says JMP Securities' Devin Ryan.

Fintech may be one of the few industries looking back fondly at what happened to Wall Street after 2008.

The chaos and disruption of the credit crisis instilled lack of trust in existing banks and brought on new regulations and the rise of technologies that would allow scrappy Silicon Valley start-ups to reshape consumer finance.