• Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson said that a long-running plot by Socialists to take over America was fueling recent allegations of sexual assault against President Donald Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court.
  • "There've been people in this country for a very long time....who don't like what this country represents," Carson told an audience of conservative activists.These forces he said, were now "like wet hornets" and "out of control." 
  • Carson also expressed concern that the allegations against Kavanaugh might cause people to think twice before accepting positions in government to avoid "their reputation being sullied."
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson speaks to employees of the agency in Washington, U.S., March 6, 2017.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson told an audience of conservative activists on Friday that the sexual assault allegations facing President Donald Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court are part of a plot by socialists to take over America that dates back more than a century.

"If you really understand the big picture of what's going on, then what's going on with Kavanaugh will make perfectly good sense to you," Carson said at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington. "There've been people in this country for a very long time, going all the way back to the Fabians, people who've wanted to fundamentally change this country."