• Steyer has donated tens of millions to support Democrats running for Congress and started a petition to see President Trump impeached.
  • Earlier this week, federal authorities arrested a Florida man who is suspected of sending potentially explosive devices to vocal Trump critics including Steyer.
Tom Steyer holds one of his Need to Impeach town hall meetings on March 20, 2018, in Largo, Md.

President Trump ridiculed billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer Sunday on Twitter just days after Steyer was targeted in a bomb plot aimed at leading Democratic figures.

Trump said in a tweet: "Just watched Wacky Tom Steyer, who I have not seen in action before, be interviewed by Jake Tapper. He comes off as a crazed & stumbling lunatic who should be running out of money pretty soon. As bad as their field is, if he is running for President, the Dems will eat him alive!"