• Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sends a letter to President Donald Trump questioning whether the appointment of acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker was constitutional.
  • "Mr. Whitaker is a political appointee who is not serving in a Senate confirmed position in the Justice Department. I am not aware of any precedent for appointment of an official who has not been confirmed by the Senate to serve as Acting Attorney General," Schumer writes.
  • Schumer also expresses concern about Whitaker's fitness to serve in an acting capacity as the chief law enforcement official in the U.S., given his "specific expressions of bias against" special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
Department of Justice Chief of Staff Matt Whitaker (R) participates in a round table event with the Joint Interagency Task Force - South (JIATF-S) foreign liaison officers at the Department of Justice Kennedy building August 29, 2018 in Washington, DC. 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter Friday to President Donald Trump questioning whether the appointment of acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker was constitutional.

Whitaker, who was then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions' chief of staff, was promoted after Sessions' ouster was revealed Wednesday. Sessions, whom Trump regularly vented his rage at in tweets and interviews, wrote in a letter to the president that he had resigned "at your request."