• DeepMind Health will be absorbed into Google Health, the newly-formed subsidiary led by former hospital executive David Feinberg.
  • DeepMind has stressed that it will not share sensitive health information with its parent company. And a spokesperson said that won't change in the wake of the re-org. 
  • But critics are concerned about this growing relationship between the two companies.
Dr. Dominic King

DeepMind, the Alphabet subsidiary focused on health and AI, announced in a company blog post on Tuesday that its health group will be absorbed by Google. That news comes just days after Google disclosed plans to form a new, centralized health unit at its Silicon Valley, California headquarters led by David Feinberg, a physician and former hospital executive.

As part of the move, Google will now manage the Streams app that DeepMind created. Streams is a tool to help doctors and nurses figure out which of their patients are at increased risk for acute kidney injury. It does that by analyzing patient information and sending an alert to a clinician's phone to let them know that they're urgently needed.