• "Our exposure to China in both of those is fairly minimal," he told the "Mad Money" host.
  • Adobe is riding the secular trends of design and creativity, two areas that Narayen said "have never been more important." People are creating content in a myriad of spaces, including for automobiles and retail experiences, he said. 
  • "Adobe is the content provider that enables all of these streams to be delivered with incredible content," Narayen said. "Given design is more important, given mobile devices are every single place, that's a tremendous tailwind."

Adobe President and CEO Shantanu Narayen said Tuesday he's bullish on the company's 2019 outlook — despite U.S.-China trade tensions that have rattled major indexes in recent trading days.

In an interview with Jim Cramer in San Francisco, the CEO said the software firm's creative and enterprise businesses should be able to function without disruption.