I'm just like you. I get up each morning, kiss the kids goodbye and head to the office. I spend my days shuffling between meetings, doling out opinions and action items, hoping my next project/deal/strategy will be the one to get me that promotion to help with the kids' education fund. I respond to texts from home throughout the day: "Can you pick up coffee on your way home? When will you be home tonight (read: when can the rest of us eat dinner)?"

At the end of the work day, I commute home on the NYC subway taking note of the people surrounding me; all of us staring at our screens eagerly awaiting the next train stop so our emails will send, our news feeds will refresh, our texts will go through. As I climb the steps to my front door, I take a deep breath to prepare for "home mode" and to "be present" like all the meditation apps tell me. Stop obsessively checking email. Don't immediately ask my son about his chemistry exam. Prepare for the dog to pee a little on the floor because she's so happy to see me (gross, but also kind of awesome).