• In Hubei, there are 230 cases of the new coronavirus at the Wuhan Women's prison and 41 cases at the Shayang Hanjin prison, according to a report from the province's state-run newspaper on Friday.
  • Shandong province also reported Friday that 207 cases of the new virus were reported in Rencheng prison as of Feb. 20.
  • A jail in Zhejiang province has also reported a total of 34 infections. All of them were inmates, according to Chinese media.
A Chinese man who is a member of the neighborhood committee, center, and security guards wear protective masks as they control entry and exit from a residential area on February 20, 2020 in Beijing, China.

China reported some 512 coronavirus cases from four prisons, and two of those facilities are located in Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak.

In Hubei, there are 230 COVID-19 cases at the Wuhan Women's prison and 41 cases at the Shayang Hanjin prison, according to a report from the province's state-run newspaper on Friday.