• Dr. Anthony Fauci and Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul squared off on whether low rates of coronavirus deaths in children should bolster the case for reopening schools. 
  • Paul dismissed prediction models showing a surge in cases, and told Fauci, "you're not the end-all." 
  • Fauci pushed back, warning "I think we better be careful that we're not cavalier" when children's lives are at stake.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul challenged one of the Trump administration's top health advisors on the coronavirus pandemic, questioning why the U.S. shouldn't reopen schools in the fall when relatively few children die from Covid-19. 

"Shouldn't we at least be discussing what the mortality of children is?" Paul asked White House coronavirus task force advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci during a Senate hearing Tuesday on reopening the economy. Paul then noted that the mortality rate of coronavirus patients age 0 to 18 "approaches zero" in New York where 12 children have died, according to the state health department. The notion of not sending students back to school in the fall is "really ridiculous," he said.