• The new chief is Emily Newman, who was an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security prior to becoming a leader within USAGM, her financial disclosure report shows. 
  • The decision to add leaders that, based on their track record, have had a staunch loyalty to Trump, comes after Democrats have voiced concern that Pack could be on on the brink of moving ahead with purging the staff. 
  • Beyond adding new leaders to the agency, Pack on Wednesday terminated the membership of longtime board members that have been part of USAGM entities for years. 
Michael Pack

President Donald Trump's pick to be the CEO of a federal media agency is moving ahead with installing loyal administration officials to key leadership roles.

The newly appointed chief of staff to the U.S. Agency for Global Media [USAGM], once known as the Broadcasting Board of Governors, sent out a memo to staff about the changes that are being made. The new chief is Emily Newman, who was an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security prior to becoming a leader within USAGM, her financial disclosure report shows.