• "The whole market's being upended by the pandemic and the lines they are shifting," CNBC's Jim Cramer said.
  • "Formerly rock-solid companies are now on dangerous footing. Formerly speculative outfits have become titans of emerging industries," the "Mad Money" host said.
  • "This is a terrible situation for our country, it's really bad for the economy as a whole, but incredibly that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad for the stock market," he said.

CNBC's Jim Cramer on Wednesday deciphered between what he sees as speculative and blue-chip stocks in a market that's shaped by the coronavirus pandemic.

"The whole market's being upended by the pandemic and the lines they are shifting," the "Mad Money" host said. "Formerly rock-solid companies are now on dangerous footing. Formerly speculative outfits have become titans of emerging industries."