• "We've had a magnificent V-shaped recovery in the stock market, but the stock market's not a great reflection of the broader economy anymore," CNBC's Jim Cramer said.
  • "If anything, the actual economy's in precarious shape, especially now that the government's stimulus package has run out and Congress went home for the summer rather than trying to come up with a replacement," the "Mad Money" host said.
  • "In a V-shaped recovery, the Dow Jones Industrial Average would be hitting new highs, but this move's been led by the Nasdaq and the S&P," he said.

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CNBC's Jim Cramer on Tuesday shot down the notion that the U.S. economy is staging a V-shaped recovery after the S&P 500 crossed closed at an all-time high, a full rebound from the major market meltdown triggered by coronavirus fears in the first half of the year.

The S&P 500, generally accepted as a temperature of the stock market, finally achieved the feat after bumping against its February highs since the beginning of the month.

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