• The National Transportation Safety Board is calling on its sister agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to impose stricter standards on automated vehicle tech.
  • The NTSB is using Tesla as an example, stating that it's using customers to beta test "Full Self Driving," a level 2 automated technology, on public roads.
  • Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made grandiose claims to the public about its autonomous technology, but is more subdued to regulators, admitting that "Full Self Driving" is actually an advanced driver assist system.

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A Tesla Model S car equipped with Autopilot.

A federal agency is calling for tougher requirements on testing autonomous driving, and the proposed changes could eventually force Tesla to change how it rolls out features to customers.

The National Transportation Safety Board is calling for stronger federal requirements for the design and use of automated driving systems on public roads. In a letter to its sister agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, dated last month and not yet reported on, NTSB chief Robert Sumwalt named Tesla 16 times in calling for sweeping change.

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