• President Joe Biden signed a $1.7 trillion omnibus federal spending package on Thursday that contains several retirement provisions, including some updates to required minimum distribution rules.
  • RMDs force many savers to pull money from tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs and 401(k) plans each year, starting at a certain age.
  • The so-called Secure 2.0 retirement law raises the RMD age, reduces tax penalties and eliminates RMDs from Roth accounts in employer plans.
President Joe Biden signed a $1.7 trillion legislative package on Dec. 29, 2022 that has several updates for retirement savers.

A new law is changing rules governing how and when certain retirement savers can withdraw money from their nest eggs.

Tax-advantaged accounts earmarked for people's golden years — like individual retirement accounts and 401(k) plans — carry required minimum distribution rules.