• Egg prices jumped 60% in 2022, according to the consumer price index, an inflation measure.
  • One farm group claims major egg suppliers have engaged in a "collusive scheme" to gouge and fix prices to boost profits, and called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate.
  • Egg producers and food economists suggest a deadly outbreak of bird flu has compounded into a significant supply problem, at a time of peak demand and higher costs for feed and transportation.
Eggs for sale at elevated prices in New York on Jan 21, 2023.

Egg prices soared to historically high levels in 2022 — and one group is alleging the trend is due to something more nefarious than simple economics.

Across all egg types, consumers saw average prices jump 60% last year — among the largest percentage increases of any U.S. good or service, according to the consumer price index, an inflation measure.