• Microsoft said Wednesday it has signed a power purchase agreement with nuclear fusion startup Helion to buy electricity from it in 2028.
  • The deal is a vote of confidence for fusion, which has thus far not been commercialized.
  • Silicon Valley insider Sam Altman has invested $375 million into Helion, the largest investment he personally has ever made. His other big bet is artificial intelligence company OpenAI, in which Mirosoft is a large investor.

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A view of the end of Helion's seventh generation prototype, the Polaris.

Microsoft said Wednesday it has signed a power purchase agreement with nuclear fusion startup Helion Energy to buy electricity from it in 2028.

The deal is a notable vote of confidence for fusion, which is the way the sun makes power and holds promise of being able to generate nearly unlimited clean power, if it can be harnessed and commercialized on earth. For decades, fusion been lauded as the holy grail of clean energy — tantalizing because it's limitless and clean, but always just out of reach.

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