• Google recently updated Google Flights with more information that can help you save money.
  • Google will let you know when the lowest prices for the trips are, compared with the average, and the cheapest dates to book between.
  • I tried booking a trip to Cancun from March 6 to March 13. Google said the price, about $282, was typical, but that the cheapest time to book is usually later, between Nov. 11 and Feb. 9.
Google now tells you the cheapest time to book a flight. Click to enlarge.

Google recently updated Google Flights with more information that can help you save money by booking a trip during certain windows of time.

Say, for example, you're planning a family vacation to Florida in the winter and want to book your flights. Google will tell you whether prices are lower or higher than average right now, as well as when to book the flight to secure the best deal.