• The Pentagon's inspector general has launched a formal investigation into Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's failure to notify the White House and Congress of his emergency hospitalization.
  • The inspector general's office is an independent watchdog that monitors Defense Department compliance.
  • Austin kept the White House and members of his own staff in the dark for days while he was in the ICU for complications from prostate cancer surgery.
  • Austin delegated certain duties to his deputy but also did not tell her of that power transfer for days.
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin speaks to the press on August 18, 2021, at the Pentagon in Washington, DC. 

The Defense Department inspector general's office has launched a formal investigation into Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's failure to notify the White House and Congress of his emergency hospitalization.

The inspector general's office will "assess whether the DoD's policies and procedures are sufficient" to ensure proper communication when senior leadership is unavailable for medical or other reasons.