During drugmaker Merck & Co. Inc.'s conference call its third-quarter results Friday, executives discussed trends for Gardasil, its top-selling vaccine. Gardasil raised controversy early on because it blocks, human papilloma virus _ a sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical, oral and other cancers. Also, the three-shot series costs just over $400 without insurance. It competes with GlaxoSmithKline PLC's Cervarix. Only about one-third of American girls have gotten all three Gardasil shots. But a year ago, federal health advisers recommended that males aged 9 through 26 also get it to prevent spread of the virus. Sales have grown steadily recently, and in 2012's first three quarters, hit a total of $1.19 billion, nearly the total for all of 2011.

QUESTION: I believe this is at least the second quarter you noted that boys are driving Gardasil sales. Can you provide details?