Judge Robert Bork, Former Supreme Court Nominee dies.

Robert Bork, a symbol of the U.S. conservative legal movement and a failed nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, died on Wednesday, Leonard Leo, executive vice-president of the conservative Federalist Society, said.

Leo said Bork, who was 85 years old, died in a northern Virginia hospital where he had been treated for an infection.

One of the few Americans to give his name to a verb, Bork became a potent symbol to conservatives after the Senate voted down his nomination to the United States Supreme Court in 1987.

"To bork" was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2002 with the definition, "To defame or vilify (a person) systematically, especially in the mass media, usually with the aim of preventing his or her appointment to public office; to obstruct or thwart (a person) in this way."