The July earnings forecasts are starting to roll in, and I don’t care what the temps are hitting this month, home builders have to be in a cold sweat. Today Meritage Homes reported preliminary sales, closings and backlog for the second quarter, and honey, it ain’t pretty. Sales down 37%, closings down 28% and backlog down 39% from a year ago. And if that weren’t bad enough, cancellations rose to 37% compared to 32% a year ago and 27% in the first quarter of this year (that was pre-subprime fury when everyone thought the market would take a quick bounce back).

“As reported by other homebuilders, the housing market in general continues to be very challenging,” said Steven J. Hilton, chairman and CEO of Meritage . Come on Mr. Hilton, you have to do better than that. If I hear one more sound bite that ends with “challenging,” I’m going to send each and every CEO of a public home builder a thesaurus.