The iPhone's got 3G, but does it got game? You betcha'.

With enhanced graphics, faster download speeds and easier access to fee-based games, Apple’s second-generation iPhone has the potential to revitalize the mobile gaming industry, experts say.

"The iPhone has been able to change consumer’s attitudes on how they view their mobile phone," says David Riley a director at market research firm NPD Group.

Since other cell phones on the market have failed to cater to a gaming platform, the mobile game market has been floundering for years, says Riley.

One major way the iPhone will change that is through its newly created App Store. The store allows users to purchase games -- as well as other applications -- directly from the iPhone itself with just a few taps on the screen. The process is much simpler than with other phones.

"The App Store is a better purchasing experience," says Eric Puterbaugh, director of client services at Nielsen Mobile.

With other phones, carriers like Verizon or AT&T or Sprint control the store where games are bought.