Last night, President Barack Obama announced the following potential deal with Republicans and released this information:

  • Extending the Bush Income-Tax Rates for Two Years. The potential deal includes a mutually agreed upon solution to the impasse over taxes by extending the Bush income tax rates for two years and reforming the AMT to ensure that an additional 21 million households will not be hit with a tax increase. These measures will provide relief to more than 100 million middle-class families and prevent a tax increase of over $2,000 for the typical family.
  • Additional Provisions Designed to Promote Vigorous Economic Growth. In addition to the Bush rates, the Administration secured several provisions that are vital for our economy’s growth, which would not have been possible without this potential deal: $56 billion in unemployment insurance, an about$120 billion payroll tax cut for working families, about $40 billion in tax cuts for our hardest hit families and students; and 100% expensing for businesses next year.
  • Working families will not see their taxes go up. A typical working family faced a tax increase of over $3,000 on January 1st. That’s avoided under this potential agreement, and working families won’t see their total taxes go up next year.
  • Focused on high impact job creation measures. The potential agreement includes some of the best measures for jumpstarting growth and job creation, including a full year of emergency unemployment insurance benefits, a $120 billion payroll tax cut for working families and a continuation of tax credits for working families. This is on top of growth generated by extension of the middle-class income tax rates.
  • Does not worsen the medium- and long-term deficit. These are responsible, temporary measures to support our economy that will not add costs by the middle of the decade. The President does not believe it is affordable to make the high-income tax cuts permanent and will continue to have that debate in the years ahead.

Unlike what the President stated, the early scoring on the proposal is about $900 billion over the next two years according to the NYTand I’m not sure how that will not increase the budget deficit.