Should you borrow against your house to buy stocks? (Felix Salmon) Only if you want to lose both.

The Closing of the Keynesian mind. "Some have asked if there aren’t conservative sites I read regularly. Well, no," Paul Krugman writes. (NYT)

Why Opposing Financial "Reform" is Pro-Consumer, Yet Again. (Coordination Problem). Thanks Elizabeth Warren! You killed interchange fees.

Will Regulators Cripple Limping Housing Markets? (The Atlantic) The dangers of Dodd-Frank's ill-advised 'risk retention' scheme.

Morgan Stanley to cut 200-300 brokers and trainees (Reuters via Yahoo) Still the biggest brokerage in the US.

Study predicts that hiring in the finance and consulting sector should return to pre-recession levels beginning in 2012. (BusinessWeek). Short financials.

The first sounds of the Raj Rajaratnam wiretaps played in court. (Business Insider)

65 Alternative Investment Managers On Forbes Richest Billionaires List (DealBreaker)