The Three Phases of New Ideas: Ridicule, Outrage, Obvious (Coordination Problem) From economics to biology, the process is the same.

IMF Report: Banks used Political Influence as Collateral to Issue Bad Debt (Wall St. Cheat Sheet) This is the main advantage of megabanks: political influence.

Starbucks Raises Prices By 17%; CEO Blames Speculators For High Costs (Consumerist) Hyperinflation! Buy gold!

The U.S. Listings Crash. Really? (Paul Kedrosky) Maybe just the end of a 20 year IPO bubble.

Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish (Modeled Behavior) Some days we think this is the best sentence in the English language.

Lagarde, Juncker, and Greece’s solvency (Felix Salmon)

Deutsche Bank's cafeteria fails to make the grade by city health inspectors (DealBreaker) "Grade Pending."

Mark Zuckerberg's new challenge: Eating only what he kills (Forbes) "I just killed a goat."