During the third fiscal quarter of 2011, U.S. consumers added $17 billion in new credit card debt, wiping out what remained of a $33 billion first-quarter pay down and putting us on pace for a $64 billion net gain in credit card debt during 2011, according to a Card Hub study.

First-quarter debt pay downs are typical, as the first fiscal quarter of the year is when companies give out yearly salary bonuses, the IRS serves up tax refunds, and we’re still committed to New Year’s Resolutions. But in neither 2009 nor 2010 was a first-quarter pay down consumed entirely by the close of the year’s penultimate quarter. What’s more, according to the aforementioned study, the amount of new credit card debt incurred during Q3 2011 was 58 percent and 154 percent higher than what was added during Q3 2009 and Q3 2010, respectively.