Obama and Biden Say Farewell to Tim Geithner

Jack Lew and Timothy Geithner
Getty Images
Jack Lew and Timothy Geithner

Have you heard the one about the time President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden walked into the Treasury?

Biden had a big steering wheel hung from his belt. Strapped to the wheel was a sign that read "debt ceiling." When the President and Vice President got to Geithner's office, Tim asked what was going on with the steering wheel.

"Well," said Biden...

Wait. Sorry. That's not really happening at all. At least, not that I know of.

But Obama and Biden are taking a stroll this afternoon over to the Treasury Department from East Wing of the White House for a farewell reception for outgoing Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

You can only imagine what that conversation is like.

"Remember that time we told them that there was $50 billion in mortgage relief in TARP? Ha! That was a good one."

"That time you explained why we needed to bail out AIG? I thought the Congressmen were going to leap across the floor and pummel you."

"Can you come surfing with me now that you're out of office?"

Apparently the nominee to replace Geithner, Jack Lew, was also there. Maybe he'll give Geithner advice how to score a million-dollar a year job on Wall Street.

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