Soft Drinks Can Increase Risk of Heart Disease, Study Says

Whether it's diet or regular, drinking more than one soft drink a day increases your risk for heart disease.

That's according to a just-released study of almost 9,000 middle aged men and women, published in the American Heart Association's Journal, "Circulation."

The Framingham heart study found those drinking more than one soda a day were 48 percent more likely to have metabolic syndrome, and 44 percent more likely to develop it.

Metabolic syndrome is when a person has three or more risk factors linked to heart disease and diabetes, risk factors like a bigger waist, high blood pressure and low levels of good cholesterol.

The study didn't pinpoint a single reason why drinking more than one soda a day increases these risk factors and couldn't link it to the participants diets.

The American Beverage Association claims the study finds no link between soda consumption and heart disease, pointing out that eating or drinking anything with calories has health consequences.

The ABA says all the study does is underscore the need for moderation in your diet.