Writers' Strike: "Starring" John Edwards


I'm writing this (Friday) from the NBC studio in Burbank and the strikers are out in full force, thrilled that they have a big star visiting--presidential candidate John Edwards. This place is a zoo. It's like the crush of the cameras outside the Oscars but without the red carpet and the organization. (He could have passed for a movie star, a number of writers crushed around me were commenting on his good looks.)

He finally made his way to a microphone where he spoke on his commitment to labor, the importance of organizing and how he'll help their cause. Edwards said, "We need a president who understands and we can't have big corporations overtake the government." He also commented on the importance of having laws that keep people from crossing picket lines, perhaps aiming to differentiate himself from the other Dems running for president. He said, "My party is supposed to represent the people."

He went on to talk about "a class war that's been going on by the Republicans", saying, "I will be a president of the United States who stands with you."

This was an interesting day of striking to cover, aside from the fact that I was nearly arrested for jaywalking (hey, you can't blame me, I was nearly trampled in the crowd).

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