CNBC Holiday Central Survey: The Numbers

CNBC Holiday Central Survey

So far this holiday season have you spent:
More than planned 13%
About the same as planned 45%
Less than planned 36%
Not sure 6%

How much are you planning to spend on holiday shopping?
< $200 23%
$200-$499 22%
$500-$999 28%
$1,000 or more 30%
Not sure 6%
Mean $738

Current state of the economy?
Excellent 4%
Good 22%
Only Fair 39%
Poor 33%
Not Sure 2%

Current state of the economy?
Excellent 4%
Good 22%
Only Fair 39%
Poor 33%
Not Sure 2%

What impact does your opinion of the economy have on how much you’ll spend this holiday?
Will spend more 4%
Will spend less 35%
No impact 59%
Not sure 2%
How do holiday sales impact your shopping habits?
Help me decide where to shop 18%
Help me decide what to buy 4%
Help me decide where to shop & what to buy 49%
Do not affect shopping habits 28%
Not sure 1%

Where/How have you done most of your holiday shopping?
Big box stores 44%
Department stores 27%
Online 22%
Locally-owned, non-chain stores 14%
Chain stores 11%
Mail-order catalogs 7%
Luxury stores 2%
Other 7%
Not sure 2%

What have you purchased as holiday gifts so far?
Clothing/Accessories 36%
Toys 23%
Electronics 18%
Books, CDs, Movies, Videogames 16%
Gift cards 14%
Housewares 8%
Food & alcohol 5%
Tools 2%
Other 9%
Not sure 5%

How long will it take to pay off holiday shopping-related debt?
One month or less 29%
2-3 months 13%
4-6 months 5%
7-12 months 3%
More than a year 2%
Will not have debt 46%
Not sure 2%

Do you plan to buy a video game console this year?
Yes 14%
No 84%
Not sure 2%

Which video game console do you plan to buy?
Nintendo Wii 8%
Sony Playstation3 2%
Microsoft Xbox 360 1%
Other 3%

Are you more or less likely to purchase Chinese-made goods?
More likely 2%
Less likely 46%
No difference 48%
Depends/Not sure 4%

Are you more or less likely to purchase South Korean-made goods?
More likely 2%
Less likely 26%
No difference 66%
Depends/Not sure 6%

Home value expectations over next year?
Dec. Oct. March
Stay the Same 41% 40% 37%
Increase -- 1% - 9% 13% 14% 21%
Increase -- 10% or more 11% 14% 16%
Increase -- not sure how much 4% 5% 3%
Decrease 13% 9% 7%
Do Not Own Home 18% 18% 16%
Mean Increase expected 2.2% 3.1% 4.0%

Home value expectations over next year?
Dec. Oct. Mar.
Stay the Same 41% 40% 37%
Increase – not sure how much 28% 33% 40%
Decrease 13% 9% 7%

When the value of your home or stock portfolio rises do you:
Dec. Oct.
Spend more 11% 7%
Spend less 9% 8%
Doesn’t have an effect 72% 70%
Not sure or N/A 8% 19%

Wage expectations over next year?
Dec. Oct. June March
Increase 56% 53% 50% 55%
Decrease 2% 4% 2% 4%
Stay the same 42% 43% 48% 41%
Mean increase 5.3% 6.1% 5.7% 7.3%

Cost of living expectations over next year?
Dec. Oct. June March
Increase 80% 79% 80% 82%
Decrease 2% 1% 1% 1%
Stay the same 18% 20% 19% 17%
Mean increase 6.4% 6.9% 7.1% 8.8%

Are you drinking more or less Starbucks this year?
More than a year ago 5%
Same amount 16%
Less than a year ago 11%
Don’t drink Starbucks 68%