Star Spangled Trade – Food


Eating is probably one of the things we all enjoy. And our third and final star spangled stock has all the ingredients of a great American company.

It’s got humble roots; founded by blender salesman Ray Kroc. It embraces innovation; just look at its rapid fire drive-through window. This company even took the French out of French fries and made them distinctly American.

After the documentary Supersize Me killed sales they mounted a Rocky -like comeback adding healthier items and irresistible treats to the menu.

But it's their latest business act that may be its most patriotic. They defeated the unfavorable view of the U.S. and spread the American way of eating around the world.

Now sales in Britain, France and other parts of the world are booming as customers start their day with an Egg McMuffin

By now you must know we’re talking about McDonald’s.

May comps for the U.S. were up 4%, says Guy Adami and Cowen has raised estimates for ’09. At 15 times earnings it looks reasonable on a valuation basis. It’s a buy.

Read More:
> All American Stocks

> Star Spangled Stock Pick: Shopping

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Trader disclosure: On July 2, 2008, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Adami Owns (AGU), (BTU), (C), (GS), (ITNC), (MSFT), (NUE); Finerman Owns (GS); Finerman's Firm Owns (SUN), (TSO), (VLO), (MSFT), (PM); Finerman's Firm Owns SPX Index Puts; Finerman's Firm And Finerman Own (C) And (C) Leaps; Finerman's Firm Owns (GE) And (GE) Puts; Finerman's Firm Is Short (XME) And Owns (XME) Puts; Finerman's Firm Is Short (IYR), (IJR), (MDY), (SPY), (IWM); Najarian Owns (AAPL), (CHK), (HPQ), (TSO), (XLF); Najarian Owns (MER) Puts; Najarian Owns (SLB) Calls, (WM) Calls, (YHOO) Calls, (ZRAN) Calls ;Seymour Owns (AAPL), (F), (MER), (MSFT), (TSO); Seygem Asset Management Owns (EEM), (TTM)