Mad Mail: Kudos to Cramer for 'The Rant'

Dear Jim: Society will always need the proverbial canary in the coal mine. I believe many people, and not just traders, were thrilled and thankful that you sounded the alarm on national television. For me, you are like Paul Revere, riding through the streets. I am glad that CNBC allows that kind of honest, concerned expression on the network. I appreciate that. Needless to say, I loved The Rant. Keep up the great work! --Frankie

Cramer says: “What I was most excited about was that the regular viewers e-mailed me and thanked me…I’m glad that people think I did anything right.”


Boo-yah Jimbo: Is there a more defining moment than The Rant Heard 'Round The World? I shared that clip with all my friends and family who are now Cramericans and loving it. What are we going to do when you call it quits? Do you have an apprentice to take over? Don't ever leave us, Jim. America needs you. --Norm in Connecticut

Cramer says: “I ain’t going anywhere.”

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