The Next China Story: the Consumer


Following its years of rapid economic growth mostly in industrial and tech sectors, what's next for China? According to some analysts, including today's guest Zach Karabell, the Chinese consumer is key to the continuing growth of the Chinese economy -- and the Chinese economy is key to the continuing growth of the global economy.

Consumer spending in China is growing 20% a year within its massive population -- a potential market of over one billion consumers eager to spend their new expendable income on previously unavailable goods and services.

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On Aug 8 2008, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders: Macke Owns (WMT) (COST) (DIS) (MSFT) (EMC); Adami Owns (AGU) (C) (BTU) (GS) (INTC) (MSFT) (NUE); Karabell Owns (FMCN) (AAPL) (AGU) (GOOG) (JPM) (GLD) (SLB); Finerman's Firm Is Short (IYR) (IJR) (MDY) (SPY) (IWM) (XLF) (BBT) (COF); Finerman's Firm And Finerman Own (C) Leaps; Finerman Owns (GS); Finerman's Firm Owns (MSFT) (SUN) (TSO) (VLO); Finerman's Firm Owns (ANF) And (ANF) Call Spreads; Gartman Is Short (TAP) (TM) (MA); Gartman Owns (AFFY) (FLO) (PLL) (IBM) (HOG) (SDS); Gartman Owns (ANDE) And Is Short (ADM); Gartman Owns (QQQQ) And Is Short (TLT); CIBC Gartman Index Owns Copper, Aluminum, WhePat, Corn, Soybean, Natural Gas, 10yr Canadian Bond, Australian Dollar; CIBC Gartman Index Is Short Crude Oil, Sugar, Euro; Roger Neshem Has A Business Relationship With Monsanto; Roger Neshem Owns (DE). PRE-PRODUCED: Finerman Owned (CSCO) On 7/14/08, Finerman's Firm Owned (ANF) Call Spreads On 8/5/08, 8/6/08, Macke Owned (INTC) On 7/10/08.