What CNBC Guests Would Ask Obama

Taxes and jobs are some of the key issues that CNBC guests want to hear President Obama talk about at Monday's town hall meeting.

CNBC will host the event with the president at noon, a one-hour commercial-free special live from the Newseumin Washington. CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood will moderate, taking questions from the audience on the economy, jobs, housing and the markets.

In advance of the event, CNBC asked several on-air guests—including Wall Street and business leaders—what they would like to ask the president. Here are some of their responses:

“What’s the way out [of the economic situation]? Is there really a trajectory to normalize fiscal policy, to normalize monetary policy? And why can’t the government be much more transparent in laying that out with clarity and conviction?”

Stephen Roach

Morgan Stanley Asia

“The president needs to address two problems: the cyclical unemployment problem as a consequence of the recession and the reduction in need for construction and manufacturing employees.

"And let’s be honest: There were problems in the labor market even before the credit crisis and recession. We have to do something about it.”

Abby Joseph Cohen

Goldman Sachs

“What about tax breaks and incentives? What we need is to give tax holidays for new formation of small businesses. And we need larger businesses to get incentives to hire new employees through some sort of tax holiday.”

Jeff Gundlach

Double Line

On the tax side, I'd ask if it's imprudent and what is its score to not have dividend taxes go up? That’s because I think it really hurts pension investments and others.

"Then, secondly, on the business side, [I’d ask about] the wisdom and cost of a payroll tax holiday as a stimulus that's needed.”

Bill Lockyer

California State Treasurer