Please Join Us for Debate Night

CNBC is going to be hosting a debate among the Republican candidates for president this Wednesday and we're going to be doing some neat stuff here on the Web site to let readers get deep into the issues.

Go to and find our page dedicated to social chatter – pulling in #cnbcdebate tweets and giving viewers a place to discuss the candidates' performance and arguments and simultaneously post to their Facebook and Twitter accounts as the event is going on. We’ll be including tweets from some of our CNBC journalists, notably Carl Quintanilla and Eamon Javers as well as other CNBC contributors.

Readers can also follow our live blog of the event, which will relay behind-the-scenes moves and nuances that the camera may miss.

Before and after the debate itself, we'll be hosting one of our "Speakers' Corner" web streams from the Oakland University campus. This will allow anyone willing to step up and tell the world what they want to hear from the candidates and, later, what they thought of the discussion.

All of this, of course, will take place amid our usual wall-to-wall coverage of the action. So we hope you'll drop in and make your voice heard.