CNBC Poll: Should Age for Social Security Benefits Be Raised Again?

As life expectancy rates increase, so do assumptions that people will work longer and thus retire later.

Reggie Jackson in the 1977 World Series.
Reggie Jackson in the 1977 World Series.

The government has embraced that thinking in its efforts to keep the Social Security Insurance system on sound economic footing.

Under a 1983 law, the normal retirement age rises in two steps from age 65 to 67 in 2027, but eligibly for reduced benefits remains at age 62.

The Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission report of 2010 wants to go further, by taking the age to 68 by about 2050 and 69 by about 2075. The age for reduced benefits would increase to 63 and 64 respectively.

Given your situation, do you expect to be able to work that long and do you support additional increases in the SSI retirement age?

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