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Net Net: Promoting innovation and managing change

Morning six-pack: Dog days of (Larry) Summers

Larry Summers
Jim Davis | Boston Globe | Getty Images

Happy Monday, and R.I.P. Lehman Brothers, five years later. Welcome to the special Larry Summers edition of the six-pack:

Imagine you're Larry: You've had to withdraw from consideration for your dream job as Federal Reserve chairman, and the markets absolutely love it. Not exactly something to give you the warm fuzzies, is it? The dog days of Summers rally is on.

If you're keeping score at home on the Summers fallout, the tally would be Money Printers 1, Savers 0.

One of the main criticisms of the Summers haters was that he would have politicized the Fed, destroying the veneer of independence the central bank inexplicably enjoys. If you read the op-eds though, it's already too late for that.

Politics? Did somebody say "politics"? Here's a conservative case that the Summers kerfuffle came about because feminists didn't like him.

So many tweets, so little time. The twitterverse was abuzz overnight with Summers chatter. Mark Halperin at Time had one of the truly great ones—except you have to be really, really old to get it:

Halperin tweet

And, finally ... CNBC's Steve Liesman reports that a survey we did here shows that Wall Street now may be getting exactly who it wants for Fed chairman, shocking as that may be to believe.

_ By CNBC's Jeff Cox. Follow him @JeffCoxCNBCcom on Twitter.